電腦倉庫 ComWarehouse: 關於 Macbook 與 Mac mini SD 讀卡機問題 過去曾遇過 Macbook Pro 與 Mac Mini 的內建 SD 讀卡機秀逗的問題,這邊記錄一下。 起因為本身讀卡機設計問題,每張SD卡無論如何都只能唯讀,也就是卡上的防寫開關被判斷為開啓。也許保固內可以找原廠維修(不確定),不過底下有個簡單的應急 ...
[開箱] 善用空間增加容量,PhotoFast USB、SD卡轉卡器 ... 2014年2月19日 - 許多朋友買了MacBook Air或是MacBook Pro Retina 13吋或15吋 ... 它主要除了SD卡轉卡器之外,還有一個USB的轉卡器,組成一個Set. 其實由它 ...
MacBook pro - SD card not mounting. Solved! - YouTube This is a fix for an SD card that won't mount on the MacBook pro SD card reader. http://joecrabtree.com/content/panaso... - check out the ZOOM on the SD90 :)
What are the specs for the SD card reader? - MacBook Air 11" Late 2010 - iFixit The new MacBook Air 11" doesn't have an SD card slot. == Update == Apple has a tech note describing the specs of the SD slot on recent Macs: [http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3553|About the SD card slot] The MacBook Air is not mentioned in the list of Mac ..
Amazon.com: mac sd card reader - Amazon.com: Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computer 1-16 of 6,701 results for "mac sd card reader" Choose a Department to sort IOGEAR 12-In-One Pocket Flash Memory Card Reader/Writer, GFR209A (White) by Iogear ...
macbook sd card reader | eBay - Electronics, Cars, Fashion, Collectibles, Coupons and More | e Find great deals on eBay for macbook sd card reader sd card reader. Shop with confidence. ... Items in search results New listing Genuine Apple 2012/2013 MacBook A1398 15" Retina SD card reader USB hdmi board $74.99 Buy It Now Multifunction SD TF Card ...
关于SD 和SDXC 卡插槽 - Apple 跳到 是否可以使用SD、SDHC 或SDXC 卡以在我的Mac 上安装 ... - SD、SDHC 或SDXC 卡不能用来在 ... 机需要利用USB 读卡器安装SD 卡.